
The big Blogger problem

So many good blogs, so many good bloggers. What BLOGGER administrators seem to must be ignoring is a growing number of blogs that readers can't respond to. The comments section is becoming a joke. Many times responding is impossible, and this has been going on for a year. The send feedback is unresponsive. It just make me mad.....

Mitchell South Dakota


What is wrong with b!ooger app

I try, and I try, and I try, and I trrrrey, I CANT GET NO... I CAN'T GET NO... NO NO NO ...... HEY HEY HEY! NO SATISFACTION WITH THIS BLOGGER APP What is wrong with it??? If I try and post a pic, It won't publish.!!!

My last Ford?

This post may be just a knee jerk, visceral reaction. I read today Ford's decision to not build the plant in Mexico was a bit misleading. Today they announced they were moving production of the Ford Focus to China. It will save them 500 million in production costs on this car. With only a couple of exceptions, I've always bought Ford's. I bought 4 new Ford before I sold them, mainly because my Father did. Over the 20 years I worked for Ford I probably bought another 8 or so. After retiring, I bought another 4. I doubt I will ever buy another one. My first feelings upon hearing the news of this move were betrayal. Of course that was nothing but an emotional rant on my part. Logically, Ford is competing on a global stage. They are a global car maker that is going to do anything necessary to complete. To buy from an American company is just misguided loyalty.  Buying from a company that produces a product in America is much more logical. Buy American?? I don't think so....

In Rehab

Yes, its true, I'm in Rehab.  Shocking as it may seem I've given up news and current events. After many sleepless nights wondering if America will be great again, or if the country is truly crumbling beneath our feet, I've chosen to no longer "tune in". It started with my Facebook feed. The daily NYT and WP posts were all shouting and screaming at me to read about the the death of our culture. Before this, Fox news, Town Hall, National Review, etc. were all screaming about what Obama had done to our great country. NYT and WP were mostly diverse in reporting and offered some diversity. Ever since the  weeks before the election the hatred, bigotry, and fear have been streaming out of all publications.  What I once considered thoughtful, objective journalism has become histronics. I will no longer feed my habit or give in to my cravings. I will no longer quench my thirst for knowledge of current events. I will only live in the here and now with...

Getting back to real life

I've got to start doing this more than once a year.  We spend a lot of time alone. After a while you forget what's going on in that world out there.  Yes, we get out everyday, dine out once a week, and occasionally meet friends on the road.  What I really mean by alone, is we are very out of touch with people who work and struggle with their lives. I would imagine that is nearly everyone. It's easy to forget what Sunday night really means to many people. Thoughts start running to all the things you have to do to prepare for the work/school week. Everyone has schedules, and commitments that makes you go on auto pilot and stop experiencing life. Except for the last 4 years, the only time I was actually enjoying my self 7 days week was at the Coffeehouse we had.  Before that, I never really felt my life belonged to me. I had schedules, commitments, pressure, and worries. I think that's why I really can't blame anyone for seemingly thoughtless, se...