In Rehab

Yes, its true, I'm in Rehab. Shocking as it may seem I've given up news and current events. After many sleepless nights wondering if America will be great again, or if the country is truly crumbling beneath our feet, I've chosen to no longer "tune in". It started with my Facebook feed. The daily NYT and WP posts were all shouting and screaming at me to read about the the death of our culture. Before this, Fox news, Town Hall, National Review, etc. were all screaming about what Obama had done to our great country. NYT and WP were mostly diverse in reporting and offered some diversity. Ever since the weeks before the election the hatred, bigotry, and fear have been streaming out of all publications. What I once considered thoughtful, objective journalism has become histronics. I will no longer feed my habit or give in to my cravings. I will no longer quench my thirst for knowledge of current events. I will only live in the here and now with...